
Time:2024-07-26 14:12:14




Sg原料: 面粉、糯米面、白糖、核桃仁、金糕丁、瓜子仁 制作方法: ●将核桃仁、金糕丁与面粉、白糖、瓜子仁一起放入盆中加入适量凉水拌成馅,再制成五分见方的馅块,放在通风处晾二十四小时 ●将馅块过凉水,放入糯米面中滚动,再在凉水中蘸一下放入糯米面中滚动,如此四次,使糯米面全都沾在馅块上即成元宵 ●用旺火将水烧沸,把元宵分批下入沸水中,用勺沿一个方向在锅底推动,待元宵漂起后改用微火煮,并向锅内洒一些凉水,等元宵涨起,馅心煮化即成









  Tang Yuan ( 汤圆) or tangtuan (汤团), is a Chinese food made from glutinous rice flour. Glutinous rice flour is mixed with a small amount of water to form balls and is then cooked and served in boiling water.Tangyuan that has been filled with sweet or savory fillings are collectively known as Yuan Xiao (元宵). Filled tangyuan (Yuan Xiao) can be filled with a wide variety of ingredients including red bean paste, chopped peanuts and sugar, sesame paste (ground black sesame seeds mixed with lard and sugar), rock sugar (which would create a hot, melting caramel-like filling), etc.

  Most Penang people will make their own Tang Yuan during MidWinter Season(冬至). I could still remember during childhood, all the family members would gather together to prepare the Tang Yuan. Nowadays most busy Penang local do not have time to prepare their own, so mostly we would just buy outside.

  Now we do not need to wait until MidWinter Season(冬至). We can eat Tang Yuan any time we want. Many people will tend to eat Tang Yuan after watching the TVB series A Life Made Simple (Ah Wong II). I will not introduce Mango Tang Yuan but a delicious and simple frozen Tang Yuan from KG Pastry. Their slogan is "So Easy, So Yummy". It's very true!

  1. You can buy this frozen Tang Yuan from TESCO or from others Hypermarket. There are two types, one bigger size and the other smaller but both also same prize. It is just the matter of quantity. I love the one with peanut butter fillings.

  2. Prepare the ginger and brown sugar for the soup.

  3. Most people's house should have these two ingredients, so just prepare a pack of KG PASTRY Tang Yuan in your freezer. You can have your Rice Ball anytime you like.

  4.It is easy and simple, boiled a bowl of water and put the ginger and brown sugar inside to cook the yummy and simple soup.

  5.Remember to remove the frozen Rice Ball from freezer but do not defrostthem. Then put the Tang Yuan into the boiling soup. Be careful and make sure to push the Rice Ball with the back of laddle to prevent breakage and sticking. It is ready to serve when the Rice Ball float.

  Note : If you dislike brown sugar and ginger, you can try white sugar with pandan leaves. It is also not bad!

