
Time:2023-05-25 19:15:19






叶项明,辽宁省鞍山市人,北京电影学院毕业的他已经在艺术路上有了令人傲娇的业绩。在《北漂童话》中,叶项明不仅颜值担当,而且演技成熟,表演细腻,从而获得了大众的一致认可,同行都对他的表演进行了高度评价,他也被剧组公认为完美"男神" 。




2020年与嫪毐告别,回顾之前的演绎,那些经典的人物形象早已镌刻在观众心里。《有效期限爱上你》中他是“千面男郎”,《东江英雄刘黑仔》中,他是麦剑雄,《北漂童话》中他是美男子岳凯 ,《爱情珠宝》中是宫宇辉,在《恋爱 美食 蟹黄包》中,他是男一号孙淳三,《青春拼图》中他是男一号盛超。不论公子、富豪还是屌丝,叶项明的表演都不是一成不变,这些形象都给观众带来了美得艺术享受。








On My Mind - Ellie Goulding
Oh oh
It's a little blurry how the whole thing started
I don't even really know what you intended
Thought that you were cute and you could make me jealous
Poured it do来自wn so I poured it d叫独脚高学胡说次增刻own
Next thing that I know I'm in a hotel with you
You were talkin货冲写陈却爱具记啊全高g deep like it was mad love to you
You wanted m微素顺杂y heart but I just liked your tattoo限他挥师规易卫印s
Poured it down so I poured it down
And now I don't understand it
You don't mess with love you mess with the truth
And 罗集模少却又垂际督另修I know I shouldn't say it
But my heart don't u呼物nderstand
Why I got you on my m问固都ind
Why I go唱从哪专课振束星员世胶t you on my mind
Why I got you on my mind
Why I got you on my mind
But my heart don't understand
Why I got 蒸层条法列you on my mind
Why I got you on my mind
Why 染的卷I got you on my min厂拉食下明命章工d
Why I got you on my mind
I always hear always hear them talking
引另校架夫商除的Talking 'bout a girl 'bout a girl with my name
Sa威达告超附衡伤听世输庆ying that I hurt y利按草距流能革封衡ou but I still don't get i专严互克拿告口素t
You didn't love me no not really
Wait I could have really liked you
I'll bet I'll bet that's why I keep on thinking 'bout you
It's a s欢县目hame you said I was good
So I poured it down so I poured it down
And now I don't understand it
You don't mess with love you mess with the truth
And I know I shouldn't say it
But my heart don't understand
Why I got you on my mind
Why I got you on my mind
Why I got you on my mind
Why I got you on my mind
But my heart don't understand
Why I got you on my mind
You think you know somebody
Why I got you on my mind
You think you know somebody
Why I got you on my mind
You think you know somebody
Why I got you on my mi-I-I-I-ind
You got yourself in a dangerous zone
Cause we both have the fear fear of being alone
And I still don't understand it
You don't mess with love you mess with the truth
And my heart don't understand it understand it understand it
Why I got you on my mind
You think you know somebody
Why I got you on my mind
You think you know somebody
Why I got you on my mind
You think you know somebody
Why I got you on my mind
But my heart don't understand
Why I got you on my mind
You think you know somebody
Why I got you on my mind
You think you know somebody
Why I got you on my mind
You think you know somebody
Why I got you on my mind
But my heart don't understand
Why I got you on my mind
You think you know somebody
You think you know somebody
Why I got you on my mind
You think you know somebody
Uh uh uh uh


恋爱美食蟹黄包电影免费恋爱美食蟹黄包电影剧情恋爱美食蟹黄包电影演员表恋爱 美食 蟹黄包 电影恋爱美食蟹黄包电影